Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Open Mic, 12/20/11

333 on Broad
Rome, GA

A rainy night in Rome, GA.  The Harrison song is a holiday open mic tradition for me. I've performed "Amy" and "Genesis" in non-open mic situations, and finally got "Landslide" to where Stevie Nicks might actually enjoy hearing me sing it.  Now, to find a real gig...

Give Me Love (Give Me Peace On Earth) (George Harrison)
Landslide (Fleetwood Mac)
Amy (Ryan Adams)
Genesis (Hot Tuna)

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Open Mic, 12/6/11

333 on Broad
Rome, GA

A friend and I were trying to get together to swap songs, but her keyboard wasn't working.  We thought about going to one of the chapels on the Berry campus to use their piano.  She and some other folks got distracted, so we ended up at 333 with a few other folks.  So I actually got to play in front of people I knew, who were there to listen to me play.  Yay.

Midnight Afternoon
I'm A Believer
Just Like A Woman